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About Us

Jen and Erin first sailed together in 2006, spending a good portion of their time staring into the cockpit in confusion trying to understand the many lines and systems of the 470. Since then they have sailed with different people while they pursued separate academic and job related goals. Now sailing together again, Jen and Erin have a common goal in their pursuit of the Olympic dream.

Skipper: Jen Braem

jenprofileJen has been sailing since she was 12 years old where she began her racing career in the Laser 2. She began sailing the 470 in 2006 and has competed as both a skipper and as a crew. Racing highlights include 2nd place in the women’s fleet at Istanbul Race Week, and Women’s Canadian 470 Champion title for 2008 and 2009. As a level 3 coach, she loves to get out on the water and chase around Optis and double-handed boats from the coach boat. Jen recently completing her MBA at the University of Victoria and one day hopes to marry her love of sailing with her newly acquired business skills.

IMG_7513-2Crew: Erin Flanagan

Born in Calgary, AB Erin started sailing inside the dock arms at Glenmore Sailing Club at the age of 7 in the Optimist, and started racing at age 13 in the Laser Radial. Competing across the country, Erin qualified and was a member of the Junior National Team from age 15-17. After completing High School Erin spent two years in Vancouver attending Langara College and continued sailing Radial, representing Alberta at the 2005 Canada Summer Games. She then transferred to the University of Victoria and began sailing the 470 dinghy. With an Honors BSc. in Biochemistry, Erin is fascinated by the metabolic workings of the body and hopes to put this knowledge to good use in her campaign for the Olympics.


The Boat: “Toque”
